Let's journey together.

Let’s journey together.

Practicing the way of Jesus for the renewal of all things.

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What story are you living in?

The story you live in, is the story you live out.

The Emmaus Road story (Luke 24:13-34)

“…Jesus himself came up and walked along with them…he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.” Luke 24: 15,27

The two disciples on the road to Emmaus show us the reality of the human journey, the centrality of Jesus as King and Rabbi within the grand narrative of creation, the beauty of the table, and the compelling nature of the presence of God.

Artwork: Road to Emmaus by Michael Torevell (2014)

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The Liturgical Calendar

We are intentional about orienting time around the story of Jesus. We do this by recognizing the historic church/liturgical calendar. Time is much more cyclical than merely linear.

Journey with us in person. Follow us on social.